Saturday, December 27, 2008
Holidays are over way too fast!
posted at 1:01 AM
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Teh. I guess i can never trust people i have not met. it took me 3times to get it. Anyways, now i can say good riddance to all 3 of you ^^
Anyhow, the hols has been great so far. So much time to stop, turn back, and look at who i once was. Although there are still traces of it, it has slowly but finally become a shadow of what i'm grateful to have become. Yes, i am so very grateful.
posted at 11:11 PM
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sheesh. I was just being frank and if u cant accept it and have to reassure yourself by asserting that experiences has made you strong and what so ever then so be it lah. Don't visit my blog if you cant even take such light criticism and omg i didnt even comment it on ur comments section or anything and i didnt even leave a name T.T btw it's my RANDOM MUSINGS. For gods sake if u dont like it then dun give a shit about it.
On to other randomness...
my room has had much more human traffic recently and my bed has almost become a B&B (bed and breakfast for all of those who dont know) for exhausted students over the course of the long and tiring school days. This has become so common that i unconciously make space on my bed every afternoon and dumping unfilable stuff unto the table instead. Not that its an inconvinience or anything but some of those who do come has not showered for the past 24+ hours. As much as i would like to take josiah as a classic example, i guess further criticism would bring more harm to others and make the world a much nastier place to live in. LOL!
might be continued
system PAUSE;
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "enter your name here: ";
cin >>*****; //If name matches
terminate 1;
return 0;
posted at 9:48 PM
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Violin lessons just ended. My teacher is leaving the school sobs. Ah, all the best for the future.
Crap, common tests are all 1wk+ away and it's all like stuffed into one week like some festive turkey omg?
int main()
std::cout << "LoL! some random stuff about prog, just practicing here xD" << std::endl;
return 0;
int main()
//My random musings
std::cout <<"Zzz for heavens sake stop whining and whining on your entries. Just communicate with that person whoever it is right in their face. You make it seem as though your life is hell over some matter which you just dont seem to do crap about. From a reader's point of view it just feels so very pathetic." << std::endl;
return 0;
posted at 6:06 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2008
This was one fun weekend i have to say. A few of us stayed back for scoccer on Sat so we stayed back on Friday night to practice a lil here and there at night to make sure that we at least knew what we were going to expect the day after. Not surprisingly, what we seriously lacked were stamina and for some of us speed and got terribly ow3ed on the day itself. oh heck it was all for the fun of it anyways. But i must admit it was a little difficult to find fun in being decimated both in defense and offense xD
So anyways this morning i woke up refreshed and juvinated after a 13hours sleep. After a 7month long wait, i finally got down to synwin to get my violin serviced. Well, it was really amazing really how the person in charge of it really knew what he was doing. Like he asked if i had any reqquests like a mellower/brigter sound, if i needed the bridge lowered any all, and the brand of strings to actually suit my taste. He came across as really professional and all but haha he did make mistakes that might have got him killed for werent for the fact that we actually owned the shop. First he actually left a $500+ french made violin bow in my violin case. Hmmm, damn im feeling a little guilty for the fact that i actually comtemplated for about 3secs if i should actually have kept the bow for myself since that guy could prolly make any violin sound like a million bucks even if he didnt have that bow and here am i a noob little kid with just some cheap bow trying to make the very best of it with his violin. So yeah i did inform him and awwwww he just retrived it without a thanks T.T
So anyways i did purchase a bottle of rosin and a sholder rest. I just returned home and while scanning through the receipt....
posted at 6:29 PM
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The vicissitudes of life rule Or so the title states O.o ----End----
posted at 2:05 AM
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Yes Yes Yes.
I'm so loving the hols. So very very much.
So anyhows the first three lines should give you an idea how happy i am.
I FEEL GREAT. Dunno but it has been one of the best few holidays of my life xD Rawr life throw what you can at me. Imma crush it.
Well the only downside i can find over the course of this amzaing hols is a week of sickness ahh ~~~ anyways im on the brink of recovery so another + point!
Anyways enough about the thing. I've finally started wif my IR and great it's gonna uber time consuming especially travelling around wif aaron to and fro from NUS and Ngee Ann poly.
Hols ROCK !!
posted at 11:32 PM
D.O.B June 4th 1991
~ Till Next Time ~