Ahhhh...everyone is doing this. So why not...
1. Full name: Ryan Ng Zhi-Wei
2. Name backwards: ieW-ihz gN nayR
3. Meaning of the name: Little King XD
4. Nickname: Hmmmms... Zhi3 Wei1 ge ge, ballerina ( argh, Rosanne gave mii this one fer ionno wad reason then it got stuck in pri sch T.T )
5. Screen name: €¢lïp§€ ¤ƒ †h€ H€ã®†
6. D.O.B: 4th of June 1991
7. Place of birth: Singapore
8. Nationality: Singaporean
9. Current location: Bukit Timah
10. Star sign: Gemini
11. Religion: christianity
12. Height: 171 if i'm not wrong...
13. Weight: ahahahaha! 65 to 55kg in 7months =) not bad huh XD ? Bad thing is my pants is now slightly too big fer mii
14. Shoe size: 12 or 13
15. Hair colour: Black
16. Eye colour: Black
17. Who do you think u look like: Er...absolutely no idea
18. Innie or outtie: outtie i tink
19. Lefty of righty: Lefty! And proud to be one!
20. Gay,straight,bi or others: S.T.R.A.I.G.H.T
21. Best friends: Only one.
22. Best friends u trust most: Hahas those i do shld noe who they are.
23. Favourite pals: Everione i guess
24. Best friend of opposite sex: Wa, tink i wanna tell u arh?
25. Best buddies: Hmmms...a few
26. Boyfriend of galfriend: i'm a guy la, wad do u think. silly question.
27. Crush: Had 3.
28. Parents: Yupps. A pair of them each. The complete set.
29. Worst enemy: To forgive, divine(=
30. Favourite online guy: I think i shall change it to the Funniest online guy. Josiah.
31. Favourite online gal: No idea
32. Craziest fren: Hmmmms... has to be jose.
33. Advice fren: Abit...to name a few: John, Rosanne, Char, Pam.
34. Loudest friend: Mitchell keh...
35. Person u cry with: Aha. That only happened once or twice i guess in e park. You shld noe who u are.
36. Any sisters: None
37. Any brother: One
38. Any pets: Darn. If onli my neighbour hadn't swatted my gerbils with that broomstick of hers it would still be happily running about in it's cage. And almost got a kitten once but my mum is uber beri very afraid of animals so she violently objected to that idea when i told her my thoughts about getting one even though my dad gave his approval.
39. Any disease: Oh definitly! I'm having degenerating muscles which increases it's degeneration rate considerably exponentially.
40. Pager: Oooooo...i remember they were quite popular a few mani years back.
41. Personal phone line: LoL. I can't remember the number. I think those i called with that should be able to know if they have caller id...
42. Phone: N70
43. Lava lamp: Ooooooooooooooooohhhh...they're those cute little lamps with stuffies floating up and down in them rite?!
44. Pool or hot tub: A hot pool XD?
45. A car: Ionno...doesn't realli interest mii.
46. Your personality: Ask those around mii XD
47. Driving: A few more years down the road...patience Ryan, patience...
48. Room: Erms...i study in my own room and sleep in the masterbed room?
49. What's missing: Onli one thing. My personal key to gateway of heaven.
50. School: Nus High School
51. Bed: Single
52. Relationship wif parents: Mum and Dad, YOU TWO RAWK MY LIFE !!
53. Believe in urself: Most of e time
54. Believe in love at first sight: i dun think so to mii...i guess it's the beauty that captivates what they see.
55. Good listener:I hope so....ask others fer their opinion?
56. Get along well wif parents: Dad: Excellent. Mum: Not bad.
57. Save email conversations: Most of e time
58. Pray: Prayer is the key.
59. Believe in reincarnation: You mean as a mortal again?
60.Make fun of ppl: Try mii best not to(=
61. Like to talk on the phone: Yupps. Downside is that i can't realli multi task well...wad happened to the chinese saying "the mind cannot be in two places at once"? Some ppl can split their brain into tenths...
62. Want to get married: Yupps but not now.
63. Like to drive: Haven tried yet...
64. Motion sickness: Nopes
65. Eat stem of broccoli: Er...why not?
66. Eat chicken wif fork: Using the fork. Eat with my mouth.
67. Dream in colour: Huh. Always. Who doesn't? Don't tell mii they dream in black and white T.T
68. Type wif ur fingers on home role: Nopes.
69. Sleep wif stuff animals: Only a bear,
70. Next to you: M06304 class photo, my handphone, bro's pencil case, bro's behind mii
71. On the walls of your room: Avril Lavigne posters. Dammit i still cannot find any Michelle Branch photos.
72. On your mousepad: Don't use one.
73. Dream car: Erms...no idea
74. Dream date: Hahas. The day when i meet God lor. No idea when it is though XD. If you're talking about the one on earth, who knows wad could happen? (=
75. Dream honeymoon spot: Hawaii !!! Isn't it obvious?
76. Dream husband n wife: Yea...i'm still dreaming
77. Bedtime: 12am+ ever since i got into tis sch...
78. Under ur bed: My diary.
79. Single most important question: Well, the one where the guy goes down on one knee and says it XD
80. Bad time of the day: Don't have one.
81. Your worst fear: Erms....
82. The weather is: Rather cooling i guess
83. Time: 10.58pm
84: Date: 14 October 2006 Saturdae
85.Best trick did on someone: I dun realli remember...
86. Theme song: Don't have one i guess...
87. Hardest thing abt growing up: To having to face the fact that i cannot not grow up.
88. Funniest experience: Too mani le
89. Scariest experience: Cant Remember
90. Silliest thing u have ever said: Life is good
91. Most desperate and funniest thing u have ever done to an opposite sex: Like i will tell u liddat ah
92. Scariest thing when you are with your friends: Nopes. They take away the scary parts of my life away.
93. Worst feeling: Having to try to tell someone sentitive stuff when you know you wouldn't need to be telling them stuff like these if things had turned out differently
94. Best feeling in the world: To love someone and to be loved in returned.
95. AND NOW THE SABOTAGING BEGINS!!CHOOSE EIGHT PPL TO DO THE QUIZ: Sorri i can't count. Failed my maths you see. No idea wad's eight. Hmmms..my eight shall be those who read this.