Ah, finally got my n70 back in working condition
Though all the memory has been wiped clean >.<
I'm loving all the excess of time i have
since school sucks most of it round the year.
So, time to start using it wisely starting with this entry!
Grades were fine
My lessons are going fine
The holiday is fine
Dinner was fine
I'm fine
You're fine
He's fine
She's fine
etc etc
etc etc
so i'm not really good at spending my time xD
But heck,
bought quite a few books at a book fair 3days back
and i've finally gotten down to buying Jigsaw puzzle glue.
I can finally start on the other 2 jigsaw pieces with has been stashed away in the cupboard since Jan this year.
And it's pretty scary when one open's his email inbox and finds emails from teachers giving you advance notices on the topics that will be covered this coming semester.
Bleh...didn't the hols juz started....?
sUcH iS lIfE
and there goes my cousins again unto a plane far far away on yet another holiday missing the gathering.
oh and "di" is also going overseas.
He forgot to mention which country he was going T.T
Now i'll have to guess what kinda souviniers i'll be receiving when sch term reopens xD