Wah ha ha !!
It's 1a.m. here
New Zealand's 5hours ahead.
Took tons of amazing pictures of the mountians and lakes. Beautiful things.
Great country..lots of really friendly people around the the view is breathtaking =)
But sometimes it can be really cold !!
So i took out e camera and
No matter how suxy your photographic skills are,
the pictures still turn out beautiful xD
So basically my 12day jounery consists of travelling throughout southern New Zealand.
I think i'll travelled no less than 1500km ...
which equates to around 18-19hours or so.
I'm so sick of long jounerys already.
But i guess those lake side stops makes everything worth it.
So lets see,
I've been into an aeroplane, a train, a helicopter, a speed boat, a cruise, a car and a bus.
Ohoh. The Glaciers are AmAzInG.
No way i'm gonna try uploading any of it up here...the internet here is not really stable and it might crash on me anytime.
Been moving around between various towns, Queensland being the main attraction, and finally ended up where i started: ChristChurch.
Oh yea. And i managed to sneak in a few seconds on msn on my 7th day in a wirelessLAN hotspot in queensland.
Well it was 7.30am SG time so not many peeps were online.
Li chen signed in soon after so i thought i might just chat with him since there wasn't any others online.
My 1 solid week of purity was shattered !! Argh !!
He spoke of evil things! Evil Evil things!
One of them involving wangdi's favourite word and well lets not go on...
So Queensland was the place where many activities were held.
My bro and I wanted to try the bungee jump but apparently we ran out of time since we were already so packed with the activities at hand that were already pre-planned for us.
Stayed there for 4nights and then we had to hit the road again.
Since we were making a loop around the border of southern New Zealand we were now driving through the east side of this amazing country.
Instead of lakes and mountains, we were now treated with alpines, poultry and grasslands.
a few trips to the mall and all with some pretty lousy meals (excluding the 5trips to Macs and a trip to KFC) the food is preeeety okay. Well, maybe cause we made our own food 90% of the time we were not heading to Macs and KFC xD
Here i am now at ChristChurch. My long perilous jounery almost completed.
Cept that we have to head 50km north for a farmstay before returning to ChristChruch for the return flight back home. Sheesh, i actually miss home now. I miss the piano and many other things.
Ah back to today. We found a lil Jap restaurant and ate there....and TimeZone was right beside it.
the same one i saw the day i arrived...
no cash no games T.T
my dad only allows me to go visit it on the last day when everything is all said and done...
so heck 2more days and i'll be free.
But first i'll prolly have a pat a few sheeps, milk a few cows, catch a few gooses and ride a horse?
Who knows of the dangers that might be lurking there O.O
Anyways i guess it'll be fun no matter what xD
A Cruise awaits me upon my return!
Together with everyone on my dad's side of the family xD
Even my cuzzies from down under are entering the fray.
Ah. I might actually miss New Zealand toos.
Crap it's already 1.40a.m T.T
26 November 2007
New Zealand