Sunday, March 09, 2008
Okay what the heck, my bro has been hogging the phone for an hour or so already so any hope that still remains using the home phone has long since vanished. Guess im outta luck T.T Anyways.... I finally got the photos of my New Zealand trip from my dad after 3months, i sort of found it lying around the house in some portable hard disk that he left aside for me to use.
While waiting for the pictures to upload...
School life has been a blur. After a hectic week of tests quizes and assignments, i've finally made it through in one piece, though i did find out that my maths was one of the lowest in class (well, no surprises there since all of my classmates are friggin imba ). Economics tests was surprisingly easier than expected while physics test was a bittersweet experience, mainly cause i only learnt time dilation, length contraction, lorrentz transformation and INVERSE lorrentz transformation just a night before my due test and miraculously understood what the questions were asking. WHICH IS SO AMAZING CAUSE I HAD NO IDEA WHAT THOSE PHENOMENALS WERE OR HOW TO DO THEM TILL 2HRS BEFORE THE TEST! mini confession though: i still have no idea how to draw a space time diagram xD. To all you lucky people out there who have no idea what nonsense i am muttering about, go check the topic "Relativity" under your university physics or serway textbook. And for those of you who do not have the textbook, god bless you all, never ever buy it, or by so doing you condemn yourself to a full $75 worth of regret. Oh while im at it, hot pink signifies one to be in the "pink of health", not whatever other characteristics you all might associate with =)
So yeah, the hectic aside now comes the horri-days (or so Mr. David Ng says it). A storm of APs, exams, presentations, tests, quizes and a math journal awaits us all !! Though we might be able to take some refuge in when good Friday arrives.
Surprised that i managed to find a week of free time to do whatever whenever i want (sigh that still includes all the revision and homework to be done), i decided to check up on my physical condition. Okay, the stats are horrible. 45 x 6.75kg reps has been reduced to a pathetic 27 x 6kg reps. Which totally suck. But thankfully, my stamina has somewhat increased to be able to do 3.75km runs from the 3.2km runs till i start to tire. But wahahahahaha, even if i build it all up again, once the school reopens im screwed all over. This is, apparently, a gone case.
Friday afternoons in the orchestra has been going pretty fine. Aside from Dr. Wong being really harsh on us all when she's not in a good mood it has been really fun. 10 out of the 13 pieces we played sounded really good but some of them were rather difficult mainly because one had to keep on counting and counting to keep up. The people there are rather friendly too.
I suppose a termly report of hostel life seems to be in order:
Naps can be taken inbetween lessons when one has an hour break or so.
Night activities are really fun.
Im getting to know my school mates much better.
Since the room is so small, tidying up the place isn't much of a problem.
Shall not go into cons, too tired T.T
Bah the upload is taking forever...
Oh yeah, it's another sad day for me. Because of this idiot, otherwise more popularly known as Mas Selamat, my computer at home has been taken away so that some agency can use it to scan videos looking for him or whatever. So yes my brand new computer has been snatched away from me leaving me with nothing. Thankfully my dad managed to sell it away at the same time which leaves me with 7k for a replacement. Bleh. Im gonna buy a much cheaper com and save the rest up for future use =)
Finally, upload done.
Okay bad idea too many, i'll do it some other time.
posted at 11:26 PM
Monday, March 03, 2008
Gahh...why all of a sudden all the joy6 peeps decide to tag mii O.o
Hahas nice to hear from you all again after so long.
Sigh. Spent the whole of my weekend sleeping and mugging econs. Came back to the hostel to prepare for my math and chem quiz... just after everything was done, i lay on my bed and suddenly broke out in rashes T.T First time ever. Bleh, itched the living daylights outta me.. impossible to sleep. So here i am at 6am, after running around from room to room seeking out powder that would ease my torment but finding none, showering with cold water for 20mins, watching a movie, playing a lil computer--- Poof. Time flew so quickly that i didn't realise that 6hours just flew by. Haiz, spent the whole of the weekend preparing for my upcoming quizes and tests but now i might have to miss a day or two of school just to deal with these rashes. Surprisingly, though there stil are many many ugly spots on my skin, they don't itch that much anymore. Futher investigations have conlcuded that the culprit was the bedsheet. I dunno if it's dirty or anything but apparently lying down on it for a brief period of time would result in rashes forming all over. Ah, right now, all is quiet...however i did hear an alarm clock go off somewhere in my cluster. Hahas i so wanna miss the first day of my week and just settle with taking the due tests and quizes.. i don't wanna go back to the classrooms again T.T For the moment, i shall just stare out of my window overlooking the highway and listen to the music...such serenity and peace in the night (hell it sure does still feel like night)... how i wish for nothing more...
posted at 6:00 AM
D.O.B June 4th 1991
~ Till Next Time ~